Lagotto Romagnolo males in our kennel
Our males
Here you can find males that are own or co-own with Ancient City Lagotti. #italianimport #bredbychampions #risingstars

At Ancient City Lagotti, we take pride in our breeding program and the quality of our Lagotto Romagnolo dogs. Our males, in particular, are exceptional examples of the breed, with a rich family history and lineage.
Meet Our Imported Males
We got some male dogs and stud dogs from Italy. They were born and raised there, and then they came to our kennel. Their Italian heritage is evident from their exceptional appearance, personality, and temperament. By importing our males from Italy, we are able to preserve the authenticity of the Lagotto Romagnolo breed.
Our Male Breeding Philosophy
Our breeding philosophy focuses on producing Lagotto puppies that will have optimal temperament and health. We care for our male dogs as family, not just for breeding.
Each male dog has their own personality, making them unique. We choose carefully to match the best dog with the best female to make the best puppies. This is very important to us.
Our Male's Accomplishments
Our male dogs have done well in breeding, winning shows and fathering many AKC champion puppies. Their pedigree is impressive, going multiple generations where ancestors distinguished themselves in sports and in working activities.
We are confident that our males will produce exceptional puppies, and we look forward to sharing their lineage with you!
Check out our litters page to see which puppies we currently have available or inquire for up-to-date and future availability.